Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Be or Not To Be

Hamlet questions whether or not to avenge his fathers death or not, whether it was more noble to suffer the slings and arrows of an unbearable situation, or to declare the war on the sea of troubles that torture one, and opposing them, end them. To die, to sleep simple as that. And with sleep we end the heartaches and the thousand natural misteries that human beings have to endure. To die.To sleep. To sleep. Perhaps to dream. Yes that was the problem. Because in the sleep of death the kind of dreams that could come once our bodies has to hold back, That's what makes long life such a calamity. Because who would tolerate the whips and scorns of time, the tyrants offences against us, the contempt of proud men, the pain of rejected love, injustice, People's obsession with their positions, being made fun of, By people who are wiser and worthier. When one could just release oneself with a naked blade? Who would carry this load, sweating and grunting under the burden of a weary life if it werent for the dread of the afterlife, the undiscovered country no one comes back from, weakens our will and makes us choose the pain we have rather than pain to others that we dont know about. Something about it makes cowards of us all

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