Thursday, October 31, 2013

Filter Bubbles

I learned that the internet doesn't open up new windows that it only limits us to what it thinks we are comfortable with which was quite shocking to find out. I now feel that the internet it cutting us short and not giving us the options that could be useful. My big question toward this is why not give us more options than only giving us limited resources because isn't that what the internet is made for? Having a wide variety of websites to choose from and to look at. And im not quite sure how to improve my effectiveness of my searches maybe wording it differently.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Literature Analysis #3

Topic(s) and or Event(s)
1. I chose to read the book The Diary of Anne Frank which is about a girl named Anne Frank and she's writing in her diary about what she has to go through, through the Holocaust since she is Jewish. She describes that her and her family have to hide in this annex with another family which aggravates her since its such a crowded place they are hiding in and to make matters worse she dislikes the mother of the family( The Van Daan's). In the diary she also describes how she hates to be in hiding because she can never can go outside and explore but instead she stays inside a crowded annex which she cant even look outside the window because they cant risk getting caught.

2.Anne Frank chose to write about her life during the Holocaust because she loved to write in the first place and she wanted to write all the events she went through hoping it would be published one day.

3. I chose to read this book because it's such a well-known book and I thought it would be interesting to read about what struggles she went through on a daily basis being Jewish during that time. When I first started reading this book I felt an instant connection because I mean Anne Frank is a young teenage girl and I can relate what struggles she has to go through being a young teenage girl since I am one. But I couldn't relate that of being Jewish and how the Nazi's wanted to hurt and basically genocide the whole Jewish race.

4. I did find this book realistic because and just the fact that it was her diary how realistic can you get from that? For the most part I cant really relate to this story because the stuff the Jews had to go through were unbelievably terrible and I've never gone through that so I can't relate to it on a personal level. But what I can relate to is being a young teenage girl feeling alone and having you know boy troubles like she did

1. In the beginning of the book Anne describes a lot of her classmates from head to toe, Anne is very observant and a tad bit a on self centered side as you can tell when she describes her classmates dumb and annoying. Anne Frank tends to write about herself a lot more than the Holocaust describing how she's changing about how she's interested in boys, and how she struggles to face a mother daughter connection.

2. In the story Anne describes a lot about her Father(since she is a daddy's girl) Otto Frank, she describes him as a thoughtful and the kindest man she has ever met. Mr. Frank always put his family before himself, that's another reason Anne had the highest respect for her father. Anne felt a special bond with her dad because she feels that they share more things in common more than her mom and sister.
 Mrs.Van Daan is one person Anne cant stand. Mrs.Van Daan is selfish, always trying to instigate fights, and not helpful whatsoever. Mrs. Van Daan always criticizes Anne Frank which Anne cant stand at all, she judges the way Anne has been brought up basically thinking she is the queen of everything. Also Mrs. Van Daan always argues with Mrs. Frank, flirts with Mr.Frank and takes over the Franks personal items(such as sheets) and then complains about it.

3. What makes these characters interesting to write about is because Mr. Frank was Anne's remodel she adored her father which was nice to see since Anne didnt get along with anyone but him. It was also interesting to read the dislike Anne had toward Mrs. Van Daan because it was exciting to see conflict in the story just to add a little spice in the mix.

1. Anne applies the method of "telling" us about other characters. Anne consistently tells us that her mother is inconsiderable and cold but we never actually see her behaving in a cold of inconsiderable way. (Direct)
An example of indirect characterization is when Mr.Kraler helps people with psychological needs of those in hiding, it shows that he is a compassionate man.

2. Anne Frank definately uses diction when she is describing characters. For example at the beginning of the story Anne describes all of her classmates from head to toe.

1. Anne Frank used a journalistic style since it was a diary about her life. Anne wrote what happened day by day not sure what might come next. I dont think any fictional elements were used since it was about her life. Anne Frank does use symbolism in her diary, for example the Westertoren Clock, Anne loves the sound of the clock which signals every quarter of an hour. She describes that the clock feels like a faithful friend.

2. The author does use lengthly descriptions to show the personalities of the characters. Right in the beginning of the book she describes each classmate so vividly.

3. I personally think that Anne uses a youthful tone. All of her insights about love, war and relationships have a youthful spirit since she is a teenager.

4.Anne had different attitudes for different characters for example when Anne talked about her dad she used more of a happier tone since she loved and admired her dad. But for Mrs. Van Daan Anne used more of an annoyed tone since she didnt care for her much.

5. In the Diary is affected by the Holocaust since she is Jewish and she would describe the horrible things the Nazi's would do to the Jewish people and it really did affect my thinking because how can people so such cruel things to one another and have no kind of sympathy or emotion?

"Think of all of the beauty still left around you and be happy" is one quotes Anne Frank said in her diary which i will never forget because i love this quote first of all but second of all Anne Frank still looked at all the positive things when she was in a horrible situation which is remarkable to see because its a terrible event that she has to go through and she still sees light in it. Anne Frank is true inspiration that i see now after reading this book.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vocabulary #8

Cursory- done or made quickly
Impetus- a force that causes an object to begin moving or to continue to move
Pinnacle-  the highest point
Contumely-  rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance
Bereavement-  mourning: state of sorrow over the death or departure of love
Cache- a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
Consummation-  the point at which something is complete or finalized
Calamity-  a state of deep distress or caused by major misfortune or loss
Avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Fortify- to protect or strengthen against attack
Erratic-  having no fixed or regular course;wandering
Ubiquitous- existing or being everywhere at the same time
Fortitude- of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
Nonchalant- seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent
Affect- the conscious aspect of an emotion considered apart from the bodily changes
Effect- a change that is result or consequence of an action or other cause
Misappropriate- to appropriate wrongly
Pragmatic- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Metacognition- awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking process
Devoutly- devoted to religion or the fulfillment of religious obligations

1. The man did a cursory inspection of the house.
2. He lacked the impetus to study, so he flunked his english class.
3. They reached the pinnacle point of the mountain.
4. Church should not be exposed to gossip and contumely.
5. The family was in bereavement when their dog died.
6. He kept a large cache of money in his safe.
7. The divorce has finally reached its consummation.
8. There was a sequence of calamities after the tornado.
9. The Kardashians are an avarice family.
10. In preparation for a German attack, the Allies decided to fortify the town.
11. I dont have a bedtime, my sleeping habits are very erratic.
12. Many household appliances have become ubiquitous, such as a washing machine, fridge and TV's.
13. My grandma showed great fortitude before she passed away.
14. She was talking nonchalantly to her mom.
15. Earthquakes can affect wide areas and cause much destruction.
16.  Loss of stamina is one negative effect of smoking.
17. She used misappropriate language toward her parents.
18. The scientist has a very pragmatic approach toward the water crisis.
19. Little kids arent aware of other peoples metacognition.
20. The priest showed how devoutly he was toward his faith in his speech.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"What is a Life Worth?" By Amanda Ripley Postreading

Activity 30
 In the article"What is a Life Worth" by Amanda Ripley it describes that we shouldn't put a price tag on someones life. In the article she also describes in a tragic event such as 9/11 that it really isn't fair that based on a specific persons income the government will total up their earnings in their lifetime and that will be the amount the family gets, which isn't the right way to solve things because say a man who is thirty three years old died in the 9/11 attack and his minimum salary was around $30,000 a year and another man also died making $500.000 a year, say the man who was making $30,000 was struggling to pay his bills and was just about living the bare minimum with five children and a wife who isn't working because she is having another child on the way, the government would approximate how long he would of lived and then the total the money and give that money to the family. Two men in the same accident, why should another family get more than the other? Another thing that Ripley describes in her article is greed, such an ugly trait a person can come upon plays a big factor of compensation when someone dies (which Amanda Ripley highly agrees on) which is upsetting to see that families rather get a bigger chunk of money than grieve a death.

Activity 31
1. Well in the article Amanda Ripley does state that its unfair the way the government distributes money to families when either their spouses or family members die in a tragic accident. But shes does have two opinions on greed that it isnt right for families to be greedy in a time of distress but on the other hand some people have a different way of grieving and tend to be greedy, its just human nature i guess.

2.The types of evidence Ripley uses to get across the key points and issues associated with the compensation of all victims are she gives examples of families who are going through these tough times of a loss of a family member or spouse and the financial struggles they are going to have to face without them. In the articles she describes the Sparacio family, Thomas Sparacio who died in Tower 2 lived in Staten Island with two year old twins with a wife(Angela Sparacio) who is excepting another child soon. Angela Sparacio only got an estimated $138,000 from the government which isnt much at all since Thomas was the primary salary coming from the house hold. Angela only worked part time as a psychologist and she isnt planning to back to work anytime soon since she has a third child on the way so she basically stuck in a rut she cant possibly get out of.

3. I do think the information Amanda Ripley is valid because it wouldnt make any sense if she lied about information she provided because she isnt trying to persuade the readers she is basically trying to get the readers to feel the suffering they have the go through trying to figure out the financial problems and sadness they are going to face since their loved one is gone.

4. I think the writer of the article uses an appeal the emotion to get the readers to get a feel what the families are facing. Just the the family I was talking about in the previous question I felt that Ripley was trying to get ht reader to understand how the wife felt trying to use an appeal to emotion Ripley describes the problems the wife is going to face without her husbands support.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Value of Life

My ideal week this week would probably getting all of my work done that Ive missed from when i was gone. I actually wish this week was settle so i can focus on just on my work but I know that isnt going to happen because I need to help my friend with her homecoming campaigning and having tests in math and anatomy which I really havent studied so Im SOL. I just really wish i can take a break for a little but i guess life doesnt have any breaks.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Literature Analysis #2

Topic(s) and/or Event(s)

1.I decided to read a book called Double Luck by Lu Chi Fa, its about Lu Chi Fa's life about being a Chinese orphan. When Lu Chi Fa was about three both his parents died, leaving him one thing his name which means "new beginning". He was passed on to relative to relative not ever having a permanent home. He had to go through a lot of misfortune like being sold into slavery, standing on the streets asking for money, through all of that he never gave up what he dreamed of doing which was coming to America and opening up his own restaurant, which ended up coming true.

2. I believe that he choose to write about himself because he wanted to tell his story and have people dream bigger. He wanted to make us realize through all that he has gone through that not even once did he think about giving up, even though we are given obstacles to overcome we shouldn't just avoid them  that instead we should pull through and learn from them.

3. I chose this book to read because my aunt recommended it , she loved how my uncles life story was similar to Lu Chi Fa's which really grasped my attention because I really wanted to see what this book was actually about. Once I started reading it for some reason I felt an instant connection. I felt so terrible for all the stuff he had to go through but it made me want to keep reading because I truly felt that his life was going to take an opposite turn and he will soon live his dream.

4.Yes I did find the book to be realistic. I couldnt really make any personal connections through his situation because what he had to go through was pretty harsh, I mean I must say I live a much more easier life then he did. But in the book Lu Chi Fa describes an old lady who takes care of him which he calls Grandma. She feeds and takes care of him, provides a roof over his head she basically treats him as if he were her own son, and I can relate to that because my grandma treats me the exact same way, she loves me with all the love she has just like grandma did to Lu Chi Fa.


1. Well the author did use a lot of personal observations, but just like every description we are going to have our own imagination towards it and we will see each character physically different. When Lu Chi Fa describes his sister his tone is really respectable because he adores his sister because he sees how much she loves him and cares for him. She was the mother that Lu Chi Fa never had(even though she really couldnt take care of him but she guided him into the right directions).

2. In the book Lu Chi Fa describes his sister, she was his only sister and she treated him like he was her own. His sister was really small and petite, he says she was the most beautiful women he has ever seen, which I believe because a lot of men wanted to marry her. She ended up with a man that was well off but the man didnt want Lu Chi Fa to stay with them because they already had children of their own.

Lu Chi Fa also describes the blind man. The blind man was a man that also took care of Lu Chi Fa for awhile(well actually Chi Fa was the one taking care of the man). The blind man is a really pale tall thin man, with hair as long as a horses tail.  Lu Chi Fa actually learned how to read because everyday the blind man asked Chi Fa to read a book, also he taught himself how to cook too since the blind man wasnt able to do it.

3.Chi Fa wrote about people who made an influence in his life. Lu Chi Fa's sister taught him to be brave and humble which lead him into the person he is today. The blind man taught Lu Chi Fa how to read and made Lu Chi Fa see his misfortune as a blessing in disguise.

1. An example of direct characterization is Lu Chi Fa's sister, Lu Chi Fa makes direct statements about his sister when he describes how she treats him like he is her own son, how she is humble by showing him to be kind and hope for good fortune. An example of indirect characterization is when Chi Fa describes the blind man, the blind man hardly says any words at all, so the house was full of silence majority of the time. But as Lu Chi Fa stayed longer in the house eventually he became more open, and actually a sweet and kind man.

2. I'm not quite sure if there is a protagonist in the book but Chi Fa does describe the Communist Parents who beat and hardly feed him, I'm pretty sure they are flat characters because he ran away from them so I really dont think they changed.

3.After reading the book I do feel I've met the author. When he said " Like the stars in the sky, some of those in my past shed a lesser light. They were there to teach me patience and courage; they made me strong. Looking back on my life, I am glad for every person I have known." And from that point I felt that I personally knew him because everything that he shared was so touching that I grew this respect for him


1.In the story Chi Fa describes a cricket that he always carried with him. If the cricket would make tunes it would always bring Chi Fa good fortune, I guess you can say it was his good luck charm.

2. The author uses lengthly descriptions of places and people but I loved how he did that because it actually felt that I was at that exact place he was describing; I just felt more engaged in the book.

3. The author uses pathos, an appeal to emotion. He describes all the hardships hes been through, not ever having a permanent home because nobody really wanted to take care of him, they saw him as a burden in their lives.

4.I really think through everything he has been through his tone was thankful because without all of it he wouldnt be where he is at right now.

5.Chi Fa talks briefly about the Chinese Civil War and World War II, which really does matter to my thinking because it really put an effect on the story makes it more relatable in a way.

From this book i will always remember that I really shouldnt be complaining that i have a really difficult life when actually its not difficult at all! I just make it seem that way, their is always somebody out there in the world that has it 20 times harder than I do and they arent compaining about their lives they pull through and live their lives.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Be or Not To Be

Hamlet questions whether or not to avenge his fathers death or not, whether it was more noble to suffer the slings and arrows of an unbearable situation, or to declare the war on the sea of troubles that torture one, and opposing them, end them. To die, to sleep simple as that. And with sleep we end the heartaches and the thousand natural misteries that human beings have to endure. To die.To sleep. To sleep. Perhaps to dream. Yes that was the problem. Because in the sleep of death the kind of dreams that could come once our bodies has to hold back, That's what makes long life such a calamity. Because who would tolerate the whips and scorns of time, the tyrants offences against us, the contempt of proud men, the pain of rejected love, injustice, People's obsession with their positions, being made fun of, By people who are wiser and worthier. When one could just release oneself with a naked blade? Who would carry this load, sweating and grunting under the burden of a weary life if it werent for the dread of the afterlife, the undiscovered country no one comes back from, weakens our will and makes us choose the pain we have rather than pain to others that we dont know about. Something about it makes cowards of us all

Vocabulary #7

Cursory- done or made quickly
Impetus- a force that causes an object to begin moving or to continue to move
Pinnacle-  the highest point
Contumely-  rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance
Bereavement-  mourning: state of sorrow over the death or departure of love
Cache- a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
Consummation-  the point at which something is complete or finalized
Calamity-  a state of deep distress or caused by major misfortune or loss
Avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Fortify- to protect or strengthen against attack
Erratic-  having no fixed or regular course;wandering
Ubiquitous- existing or being everywhere at the same time
Fortitude- of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
Nonchalant- seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent
Affect- the conscious aspect of an emotion considered apart from the bodily changes
Effect- a change that is result or consequence of an action or other cause
Misappropriate- to appropriate wrongly
Pragmatic- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Metacognition- awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking process
Devoutly- devoted to religion or the fulfillment of religious obligations

1. The man did a cursory inspection of the house.
2. He lacked the impetus to study, so he flunked his english class.
3. They reached the pinnacle point of the mountain.
4. Church should not be exposed to gossip and contumely.
5. The family was in bereavement when their dog died.
6. He kept a large cache of money in his safe.
7. The divorce has finally reached its consummation.
8. There was a sequence of calamities after the tornado.
9. The Kardashians are an avarice family.
10. In preparation for a German attack, the Allies decided to fortify the town.
11. I dont have a bedtime, my sleeping habits are very erratic.
12. Many household appliances have become ubiquitous, such as a washing machine, fridge and TV's.
13. My grandma showed great fortitude before she passed away.
14. She was talking nonchalantly to her mom.
15. Earthquakes can affect wide areas and cause much destruction.
16.  Loss of stamina is one negative effect of smoking.
17. She used misappropriate language toward her parents.
18. The scientist has a very pragmatic approach toward the water crisis.
19. Little kids arent aware of other peoples metacognition.
20. The priest showed how devoutly he was toward his faith in his speech.