Adroit- someone who is quick and skillful in their thoughts,behavior, or actions
Averse-having a strong feeling of opposition
Benevolent-characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
Cursory-done or made quickly
Duplicity-deceitfulness in speech or behavior
Extol-to praise highly
Feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
Grimace-a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain
Holocaust- destruction destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
Impervious-not allowing entrance or passage
Impetus-a moving force
Jeopardy-danger of loss harm or injury
Meticulous-extremely careful and precise
Nostalgia-a sentimental longing in affection for the past
Quintessence- the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
Retrogress-go back to an earlier state
Scrutinize-to examine or observe with great care
Tepid-lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm
1. She is adroit at handling problems.
2. The two enemies came to an amicable agreement to make peace.
3. Most students have an averse feeling toward boring subjects.
4. His belligerence tended to severely limit his relationship with friends.
5. Santa Clause is known for his jolly, benevolent personality.
6. I spent a cursory amount of time on my economy project because i had very little time to complete the task.
7. The cop interviewed the witness for an hour and he didn't see any duplicity in his statements.
8. The golfers extolled the benefits of membership at their country club.
9. It is not feasible to win the lotto.
10.The grimace on the mans face clearly spoke his opinion of the president's speech.
11. The Holocaust was an evil and tragic that took place in World War II.
12. The coat is impervious to rain.
13. The business firm was in jeopardy collapsing because of fraud.
14. Students who are meticulous in their work make the best of their education.
15. When walking through the halls of her old school she felt so much nostalgia.
14. Drake is the quintessence of the rap culture.
15. She retrogressed to the starting point of her rehabilitation.
16. The young girl had a tepid reaction in meeting her new step-father.
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