Monday, November 4, 2013

Racial Profiling Lives On

After reading the article i decided to look up some racial profiling on youtube and i came upon this video which was quite disturbing to see. I think its absolutely wrong and absurd that policeman judge a person on their race like for example if they see an African American just walking minding his own business that they have the right to question what he's doing because they find there is something "suspicious" going on its wrong that they only think there is something suspicious because hes walking by himself and the main part of it is because of his race! In the video there is a Latino who was verbally assaulted by a policemen because he was asking why he was being questioned for not doing anything wrong and i really believe that it is against our fourth amendment to be searched or just judging us because of our race that we were looking suspicious when obviously you werent doing anything wrong  it just really bothers me. Even through all this non sense that the Major of New York thinks that its ok for policemen to racial profile because they are protecting people from harm but hes not getting the big picture here think about if policemen spend there time questioning these innocent people who arent doing anything wrong they can be spending all that time helping someone who is actually in danger.

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